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Camping Annual Permits

Annual Permits

Annual - Dog

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited day use for dogs at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Use includes all holidays and annual fireworks show. Permit is valid until December 31, 2025. Only valid for 1 dog for which it is purchased. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased and will be noted as "shipping & handling".

Annual - Hang Tag

Annual Use Permit Hang Tag issued for unlimited day use at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Use includes all holidays and annual fireworks show. Permit is valid until December 31, 2025. Only valid for one vehicle entry at a time, pass is transferrable between vehicles.. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased and will be noted as "shipping & handling".

Annual - Vehicle

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited day use at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Use includes all holidays and annual fireworks show. Permit is valid until December 31, 2025. Only valid for vehicle for which it is purchased. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased and will be noted as "shipping & handling".

Annual - Vehicle Senior 62 YOA and older

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited day use at DP Lake Facilities for Seniors 62+. Use includes all holidays & fireworks show. Permit valid until Dec 31, 2025. Only valid for vehicle for which it is purchased. First time buyers will be contacted for age verification prior to permit being mailed. Senior must be the registered vehicle owner. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased & noted as "shipping & handling".

Annual - Vessel: Boat

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited day use at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Use includes all holidays and annual fireworks show. Permit is valid until December 31, 2025. Only valid for vessel for which it is purchased. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased and will be noted as "shipping & handling".

Annual - Vessel: PWC/Jet Ski

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited day use at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Use includes all holidays & fireworks show. Permit is valid until Dec 31, 2025. Only valid for vessel for which it is purchased. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased and will be noted as "shipping & handling". Any PWCs/Jet Skis stored on houseboats must contain an annual permit. If a PWC/Jet Ski stored on a houseboat does not have a permit, the owner may be charged late fee.

Annual - Vessel: Sleeping Capacity

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited day use at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Use includes all holidays and annual fireworks show. Permit is valid until December 31, 2025. Only valid for vessel for which it is purchased. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased and will be noted as "shipping & handling". NOTE: A vessel is considered a sleeping capacity boat if it has plumbing (i.e. toilet, sink, etc.)

Annual Add'l Vehicle-Reg. Same as 1st Vehicle

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited day use at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Use includes all holidays & fireworks show. Permit is valid until Dec 31, 2025. Only valid for vehicle for which it is purchased. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased & noted as "shipping & handling". **Add'l vehicles must have the same registered owner/s as first vehicle. Our team will verify eligibility prior to mailing the pass.

Annual Lakeshore Camping - Boat-in

Annual Use Permit issued for unlimited lakeshore camping at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Includes all holidays & fireworks show. Permit is valid until Dec 31, 2025. NOTE: Only covers camping fee, not vehicle or vessel. Separate permits for vehicle & vessel may be purchased or day use fees paid upon arrival. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit & noted as "shipping & handling". Camping on Recreation Area lands in undeveloped sites is "Lakeshore Camping" & only permitted in Dispersed Area.

Houseboat Annual Renewal Fee

Annual Use Permit issued for Houseboats currently moored at Don Pedro Lake Facilities. Permit will be validated and mailed to address on the application once all required documentation is received and verified. A $5 Administrative Fee will be charged at checkout for each permit purchased and will be noted as "shipping & handling". Permit is $605. A $200 late fee assessed after 1/31/25.